PLAYFUL, CURIOUS and AMPHIBIOUS, Audio and Video Productions

Otter Be Good Productions was spawned in the coastal jungles of British Columbia where the weather is mostly cool and damp and it’s better to be a duck or wear lots of neoprene! Terry L. Brown and Jude Abrams decided on the latter.

Terry sealed his cameras in plexiglass housings and morphed into “The Amphibiographer”, exploring the interface of water, earth and air. His favourite place to be is face down in the water ... while wearing a mask and snorkel!!

Jude is a musician/songwriter and a hardy outdoor adventurer who dives, sails, kayaks and hikes, all the while recording natural sounds. She composes original music and designs sound for their productions. She is often found climbing in her favourite cedar tree, communing with all kinds of critters, or singing to seals from her kayak.